What are Mental Problems?

Mental problems are states of dissatisfaction (sometimes also pain) with a life situation: either at a certain moment of in the long-term. A mental problem can affect self-awareness, communication and interaction between individuals (relationships). The prerequisite for the emergence and existence of a mental problem is a negatively assessed target/actual difference.

Fastestbooks.com focusses on neurotic mental problems like depression, conflicts, anxiety, and burnout syndrome. Besides that, fastestbooks.com offers informational self-help books on ADHD.

What can you do against mental problems?

Working against own mental problems is a problematic idea. Why? Because mental problems do not exist because of a lack of competence. In many cases, you will find behind “ill behavior” high functionalities in family, social systems and other psychological contect.

What can you do for mental health?

This is a positiv question. The answers lead directly to helpful changes in the mind, the attitude to oneself and the way people treat themselves.

Read one of the self-help books.



Burnout Syndrome