Find out in the e-book what the physics of depression is
A depressed person recovers best:
- with the recognition of the suffering caused by the attempts to find a solution
- by choosing to start physical activity and keep it constant (a 1-hour quick walk every day works wonders)
- by setting boundaries for the inner and outer commanders
- by giving up the idea of guilt
- in relationships with others
- The depressed person believes the repeatedly told story of his alleged inadequacy.
- The depressed person sees no sense in their everyday life because they lack small goals.
- The depressed person blames himself for everything: even for making himself responsible for everything.
Why “The World’s Fastest Anti-Depression-Book?”
How long have you been struggling with depression?
And – how long will you wait for the depression to go away on its own?
It is a pity for every day.
Can this little e-book cure depression?
The e-book itself will not “do” anything.
But …
With this little e-book, you’ll gain a different perspective on your stresses and feelings.
In the e-book is an instruction for a movement program.
You receive the invitation to a daily walk outside, where you leave something outside in your imagination, so that your soul becomes a bit lighter of it every day.
Yes, all in all you can trigger healing effects by changing your thinking, evaluating and acting.
How many pages?
This e-book consists of just 16 pages. Obviously, the shortness of a book is not any proof for its effectiveness.
Depression – if not caused by Thyroid problems – is a result of missing self-love, self-compassion and social connections.
Often, depression is also the result of ignoring the limits of physical and mental capabilities.
Therefore, you will see this statement in the World’s fastest Anti-Depression-Book:
It’s healthy to feel sick under an overload.
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